Thursday, June 18, 2009


Ellis and I were in Korea for my brother Joseph's wedding. Ellis loved hanging out with Adalie even though one of them was crying every 5 minutes. Ellis loved the playground at my parent's house with swings, slides and seesaws. She really missed Adalie when Adalie left for Utah a few days before we came back. She would go room to room yelling "Adi, Adi, Adi ya!"

Sometimes I wish Ellis would not grow past this stage in life where I can pick her up and carry her wherever I go and she loves hanging out with me and follows me everywhere I go. She's beginning to say a lot of words, her favorite being "umma kachee ka"--"mommy, take me with you" I don't know if she knows the meaning of those words but she says it all the time.

1 comment:

saraH said...

Ellis is soooo cute! I miss you so much unni, even though you're not excited AT ALL for next summer, I'm SOOOO excited and happy we'll be near! I love you so much!