Saturday, October 24, 2009

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers


Caitlyn's here! What a whirlwind of emotions a new baby brings.. not to mention the sleepless nights, feeling fine one minute and totally crazed the next...some moments I feel like screaming and tell myself I'm done having kids and then the next moment, Caitlyn starts cooing at me and smiles so wide I want one more. I really don't know but I've decided to focus on the "now" and try to enjoy every moment of motherhood. When I start working I know I'll miss staying home and getting to see all the precious moements of my girls growing. Life is made up of moments and you have to live in the moments. Easy to say but harder to really feel it in your heart. I want to look back at my life when I'm in my 60's and have no regrets about my 30s and a big part of that is deciding with David on if we want more children and how to raise our children. Career comes second. I've realized I just want to make enough money to do stuff with my family the basics, food, shelter, necessities, occasional vacation. Climing up the corporate ladder is really on the back burner. I want David to succeed in his life goals and right now that's making good grades at Glendale Community College. Hopefully he'll pass his classes. :)

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Ellis and I were in Korea for my brother Joseph's wedding. Ellis loved hanging out with Adalie even though one of them was crying every 5 minutes. Ellis loved the playground at my parent's house with swings, slides and seesaws. She really missed Adalie when Adalie left for Utah a few days before we came back. She would go room to room yelling "Adi, Adi, Adi ya!"

Sometimes I wish Ellis would not grow past this stage in life where I can pick her up and carry her wherever I go and she loves hanging out with me and follows me everywhere I go. She's beginning to say a lot of words, her favorite being "umma kachee ka"--"mommy, take me with you" I don't know if she knows the meaning of those words but she says it all the time.